Procrastination Buster. Now!
Posted on 12. Nov, 2009 by gilly in Coach's Wisdom
Procrastination plagues all of us at some point, and seriously drains our energy and morale. What lies undone nags at us. A foolproof way to bust the stalemate is to squarely ask yourself:
- Does it really need to be done?
- Can I delegate it? If yes, choose someone now.
- Can I reschedule it into the future? If yes, fix that day/time now.
Or maybe it’s time to…just DO IT!
On a deeper level, as you contemplate what it is you are putting off, ask yourself: what am I afraid of?
There’s often an underlying fear for why we avoid tackling certain things. Nine times out of ten, you’ll discover that once you’ve named these fears–exposed them, as it were– these fears are actually unfounded. Just like excess baggage you’d been schlepping around and which you hadn’t realised you could just…put down. You’ll be surprised at how simple and effortless many things will suddenly feel to you, as a result.