Archive for October, 2009
The latest word on fashion & style
Posted on 22. Oct, 2009 by gilly.
Not everyone can be years ahead of the curve when it comes to knowing what will be hot. Some think they are, but are not. I am fortunate enough to count one of the galaxy’s leading, recognized fashion and style gurus among my friends. Doesn’t necessarily make me a fashionista but, hey, at least I’m [...]
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Turn your vibes around with…a cat!
Posted on 22. Oct, 2009 by gilly.
Since acquiring a cat I’ve noticed he picks up on my negative moods faster than anyone. When I am out of sorts or melancholic or plain confused, he will cuddle, purr and stick close until the mood shifts. Right down to sharing my pillow. And something about this unconditional, silent attention is incredibly soothing. I [...]
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Xtreme Pedicures
Posted on 09. Oct, 2009 by gilly.
Sit back and let yourself be munched on…